Seminar on Writing and Publishing High Impact Research Papers is a collaboration between Perpustakaan Sultan Abdul Samad (PSAS), UPM and Emerald Group Publishing. It is an annual event and this is the fourth consecutive year that PSAS organized this program since the year 2013. This collaboration gives great opportunities for PSAS to venture into a smart partnership between government and private agencies in organizing such a workshop.
The aim of this workshop is to give tips and guide on how to better-published research outcomes among UPM Community. The main contents include an overview of the publishing process, co-authorship, journal rankings, how to submit your journal articles, what makes a good paper from an editor’s and reviewer’s point of view, peer review, analysis of rejected articles, plagiarism, and copyrights.
This workshop also hopes to enhance the level of confidence among UPM Community to improve the quality of their manuscripts and thus increase the chances of their research papers beings accepted for publication in reputable, international and high-ranking journals.
DATE : New date will be inform later
3rd March 2020
18 October 2016