Seminar and Workshop on Integrated Library System: KOHA

This seminar explains the Open Library Integrated System which includes the importance of the system to users and libraries; related current issues; interest and importance of the KOHA System to the Library and the experience of implementing the KOHA System in the Library.

Please click here for more details information





Guide to Getting Published (GGP) will introduce participants on how to get their research published and also areas such as research methods, writing styles and presentation. The contents of GGP as below:
  1. UPM Author Experience in Publishing with Emerald
  2. Introduction to Emerald Management database
  3. The publishing process
  4. Why publish?
  5. Co- authorship
  6. Which journal to publish in?
  7. Journal rankings
  8. How to submit your journal articles?
  9. What makes a good paper from an editor’s and reviewer’s point of  view?
  10. Peer review
  11. Analysis of rejected articles
  12. Plagiarism
  13. Copyrights
  14. Useful resources
  15. Beyond authorship


Seminar Guide to Getting Published

Perpustakaan Sultan Abdul Samad in collaboration with Emerald Group Publishing will be organizing a Seminar on “Guide to Getting Published” (GGP)” for potential and aspiring authors which include all faculty members, lecturers, researchers and students who have yet to publish their research papers in any of the numerous international scholarly and high impact journals.

GGP will introduce participants on how to get their research published and also areas such as research methods, writing styles and presentation.